Prime Numbers Wiki

97 is a prime number from 1-100. 97 has 2 factors, 1 and 97. It is the 25th prime number, and the 25th and last prime number from 1-100.


  • 1 can divide 97
  • 2 cannot
  • 3 cannot
  • 4 - 96 cannot
  • 97 can!

Relationship with other odd numbers

The numbers before

  • The previous prime number is 89. All numbers between 91 and 97 are composite.
    • Among them, 91 is divisible by 7 and 13, 93 by 3, and 95 by 5.
    • 89 and 97 are eight numbers apart. It features the longest gap between prime numbers from 1 to 100.

The numbers after

  • The next prime number is 101. 101 is the first 3-digit prime.
    • 97 and 101 are four numbers apart; therefore, they are cousin primes.
  • The next prime number after 101 is 103.
    • 97 and 103 are six numbers apart; therefore, they are sexy primes.