Prime Numbers Wiki

199 is a prime number from 101-200. 199 has 2 factors, 1 and 199. It is the 46th prime number, and the twenty-first and last prime number from 101-200. If you put the digits of 199 in any order, you still get a prime number (919, 991). In fact, you can even turn it upside down and still get a prime number (661).


  • Yes — 199 can be divided by 1.
  • No — 199 cannot be divided by 2-198.
  • Yes — 199 can be divided by 199.

As an Exponent of Mersenne Number[]

2199 - 1 is divisible by 164,504,919,713, and is therefore not a prime number.

Relationship with other odd numbers[]

The numbers before[]

  • The previous prime number is 197.
    • There are no odd numbers between 197 and 199. As a result, they are twin primes.
  • The previous prime number before 197 is 193.
    • 193 and 199 are six numbers apart; therefore, they are sexy primes.

The numbers after[]

  • The next prime number is 211.
    • 199 and 211 are twelve numbers apart. It is a large gap.
    • In particular, 201 and 207 are divisible by 3, 203 by 7, and 209 by 11.
  • 223 is the next prime number after 211. It is another equally huge gap.