Prime Numbers Wiki



How to know prime numbers? No! This is the 26th prime number!

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A hard level in Candy Crush, yet a prime!

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Now PNW has over 200 primes

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The first photo made by a unique user

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Welcome to the Prime Numbers Wiki!

Welcome to Prime Numbers Wiki! In this wiki, we will post all the prime numbers that are in a range of 100. Here, we can even post videos of our own, summarizing the page, e.g. showing the prime numbers on 1-1000, the difference between prime and composite numbers, and many more about the topic. Even the Sieve of Eratosthenes will help us show the correct way of showing primes. Come, join now! Making links will be a great way to show the proof of why it is prime; just give a subjective detail of the number, e.g. this number is prime because it is not divisible by 2, then show the answer. Dead-end links will make our wiki a rotten one, so please add some links to those numbers. We can even make a bunch of pages!


Look at our YouTube videos online: [1] Look at our videos, like the prime numbers in a range. We would love to see your comments on our videos, and how can we improve them! Just a click of a button, I guess! Press the link above!

Important Pages!

Here are some pages to know before getting started to add a page on our encyclopedia of 2,705 pages.

Now, check out the Sieve of Eratosthenes. This helps on getting the primes on any range, e.g. a range of 100, 10 by 10. This is actually effective for primes below 10 million.
Then, start contributing! Here is the first prime number, 2, for you to get started!

Prime Slideshow

2,705 primes added, 2,351 prime photos and videos, and 28,648 edits that our beloved primers did.

Featured User of the Month!
February 2014 - Imamadmad

User:Imamadmad because she has rescued Julianthewiki last month as she told the founder advises for the fresh wiki. Happy Chinese New Year, everyone, and let's make PNW prosper more!

Featured Article

Featured Article: 1,223

1,223 is the 200th prime number.


Featured Video
WAM Score of PNW

31.88. This wiki is getting hot! Thank you spotlight!

Question of the Day!

Link to the question!

Hey guys! School getting busy?


The Question of the Day - 20 points

Multiple choice - Everyone's favorite!

A square can be formed having its vertices on the line y=0, y=1, y=4, y=5. What is the area of the square?

Choose the correct answer.

(A): 11sqrt(2)

(B): 11sqrt(3)/3

(C): 16/3

(D): 17

(E): 20sqrt(2)

(F): 21sqrt(2)

(G): [18-sqrt(4)]/6

(J): None of the above

(K): There is not enough information to solve this question.


1. Blueeighthnote: 2275 points (2 achvmt pkgs) <-- Unbeatable!

2. TimBluesWin: 655 points (1 achvmt pkg)

3. Imamadmad: 645 points (1 achvmt pkg)

4. Julianthewiki: 410 points (1 achvmt pkg)

5. 69.235...: 230 points (1 achvmt pkg)

6. Zombiebird4000: 50 points (1 achvmt pkg)

7. Supermario3459: 45 points (1 achvmt pkg)

8. Wildoneshelper: 40 points (1 achvmt pkg)

9. Emmaelise401: 30 points

9. CalzoneManiac: 30 points (I will add your name here. Work from the slackers section to the top!)


Skills Badges!

Usually awarded for having skills to solving hard questions, etc.

1. Quick Thinker! (+10 points) - Awarded for posting an answer before I write "Please leave your answers here." FIRST FOUNDED BY BLUEEIGHTHNOTE

2. RARE: Leaderboards Expert! (+300 points) - Awarded for being 1st place on the leaderboards for 30+ days. FIRST FOUNDED BY BLUEEIGHTHNOTE

3. RARE: More than a Millenium! (+100 points) - Awarded for being first in the leaderboards and scoring more than 1000 points from the runner-up. FIRST FOUNDED BY BLUEEIGHTHNOTE

4. Questions in a question (+20 points)? Awarded for finding three ambiguities in a single question. EARNED BY IMAMADMAD

Earth Badges

Most rare ones are found here.

RARE: Top Ten (+30 points) - Awarded for being the first top 10 people ONLY to participate on the question of the day! EARNED BY THE FIRST 10 PARTICIPATING PEOPLE

Sun Badges

All epic ones are found here.

Galaxy Badges

Almost IMPOSSIBLE to earn. Each one found here is worth 10000+ points and/or 5+ achievement packages. EVEN IF A PERSON EARNS A BADGE HERE, I STILL WILL NOT WRITE HOW TO FIND IT.

Uniqueness Badges

Unique things one can do in the answers section. ONLY ONE PERSON CAN EARN EACH BADGE.

1. Analyzer! (+10 points) - Awarded for drawing a diagram. FIRST FOUNDED BY IMAMADMAD

Trustworthiness Badges

Awarded by how much I trust someone on this wiki. Please do not ask me about these badges.

1. Reliability (+100 points) - Trusted to write a question of a day. FIRST FOUNDED BY BLUEEIGHTHNOTE, JULIANTHEWIKI, AND IMAMADMAD

2. Scoreboard Tinkerer (+100 points) - Trusted to change the scoreboards. FIRST FOUNDED BY BLUEEIGHTHNOTE AND JULIANTHEWIKI

Duration Badges

